
Latest news and interesting features about Walthamstow Town Centre

Guy Fawkes celebrations are here and Walthamstow has plenty to offer

Guy Fawkes celebrations are here and Walthamstow has plenty to offer

Those of you who follow us know that WoW’s purpose is to promote the wonderful Town Centre areas of E17 (as illustrated by the map on our homepage). However, we are bending the rules here by highlighting some very spectacular Guy Fawkes events in Fellowship Square. Walthamstow is doing something bold and ambitious this year to be more mindful of natural habitats and stand out from the crowd. Partnering with acclaimed Guildhall Live Events, Fellowship Square is hosting a fantastic light and music show, as well as curating a whole programme of events and activities across the Guy Fawkes weekend!! There aren’t many places that can top that!

You can find out more on the programme for each day and the various price plans, which ensure there’s something for everyone. Just CLICK HERE for more info.