Wood Street

This section allows you to find the following key amenities in Walthamstow Town Centre.

Work-friendly spaces

Health, fitness and wellbeing

In the evening

If you know of a business which is not on this list, please let us know via our contact form

Wood Street

Places to Meet


106 Wood Street, London, E17 3HX
Your friendly neighborhood barbershop with cafe and space to park up with a laptop.

Pure Muscles Gym

209 Wood Street, London, E17
Friendly independent local gym in Wood Street

Shaolin Dao Lu

Walthamstow Scouts Hall, 205 Wood Street, London E17 3NU
Shaolin and Chinese martial arts school for adults and children

The Duke

The Duke, 112 Wood Street, London, E17 3HX
Large pub in Wood Street. Great for meetings, casual drinking and weekend celebrations.

The Flower Pot

The Flower Pot, 128 Wood Street, London, E17 3HX
Friendly local pub with great food and live music on weekends

Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis and Squash Club

48a Greenway Avenue, London, E17 3QN
Play cricket, tennis, squash and racketball at Walthamstow's longest serving sports club

Wood Street Library

1 Troubridge Square, Wood Street, E17 3HB
Wood Street Library